UGC-NET/JRF Syllabus
Unit – I
- Forensic Science: Definition, History & Development, Scope, Ethics in Forensic Science
- Physical Evidence: Nature, Types, Search methods, Collection, Preservation, Packing & Forwarding of Physical & Trace evidence for forensic analyses, Chain of Custody
- Crime Scene: Nature, Types, Preservation of Scene of Crime
- Criminal Investigations: Unnatural deaths, Criminal assaults, Sexual offences, Poisoning, Vehicular accidents
- Courts: Types, powers and jurisdiction, Admissibility of evidence in Courts, Definition of Experts, Provisions in Cr.P.C.,1973 & Indian Evidence Act relating to experts & their reports; Court Procedures pertaining to Expert Testimony & Witness
- Organization of Forensic Science Laboratories of Centre and State, NCRB and NICFS
- Fundamental Rights: Right of Equality (Articles 14 to 18) and Right of Freedom (Articles 19 to 22) as per Constitution of India
- Criminal Profiling: Profile of victim and culprit, its role in crime investigation, Lie detection (Polygraphy), Narco analysis, Brain mapping, scope and limitations
- Concept of quality control management in Forensic institutions
- Microscopy: Polarizing, Comparison, Stereoscopic, Fluorescent and Electron Microscopes
- Spectrophotometry:UV, Visible, IR, Raman, Atomic absorption, Emission
- Neutron Activation Analysis
- X – rays and x-ray based techniques such as XRD, XRF
- Mass Spectroscopy
- Chromatographic Techniques: TLC, GLC, HPLC,HPTLC
- Hyphenated Techniques: GC-MS, LC-MS, IR-MS and ICP-MS
- Electrophoresis: High and Low voltage electrophoresis, Immunoelectrophoresis Immunoassays: Principle, Types ,Techniques and applications
- Detection and Identification of Blood stains
- Determination of Species of Origin
- Blood Group Systems
- Techniques of Determination of Blood groups of Blood Stains
- Detection of Seminal and other body fluids and their Blood Grouping, Red cells Enzymes, Serum Proteins of forensic significance
- Disputed Paternity & Maternity
- DNA: Structure, DNA as genetic marker, DNA Extraction and Profiling Techniques
- DNA Phenotyping and RNA Profiling & their applications
- Wild life Forensics: Wild life (Protection) Act,1972, Scope, Evidences and Identification
- Analysis of Ethyl alcohol in beverages , liquors, biological fluids and breath
- Analysis of Methanol and Denaturants
- Illicit liquors
- Analysis of Chemicals in Trap Cases
- Metabolism and Chemical examination of : Insecticides & Pesticides, Tranquillizers & Sedatives, Hypnotics Stimulants, Narcotics, Opiates, Drugs of abuse; Analyses of above and their Toxicity Plant poisons Metallic Poisons
- Extraction, Isolation & Clean-up procedures, Identification of common poisons from viscera, tissues and body fluids
- Fire arms: Types, Classification, Ammunition and their Compositions
- Forensic examination of Firearms, Ammunition, Firearms projectiles (Bullets, Shots, Slug etc.), Shell case
- Gunshot residues analysis
- Concept of Velocity, Penetration, Dispersion, Ricochet, Accidental Discharge, Determination of Range in firearm cases
- Examination of Country made firearms
- Basics of Internal, External and Terminal Ballistics
- Tool marks: Meaning, Types and Examination
- Restoration of Erased Markings on Metal Surfaces
- Fire and Arson: Analyses of Petroleum Products and other incendiary materials
- Explosives: Definition, Types and Analyses
- Bombs: Country made bombs, Improvised Explosive Devices ( IEDs ) and their examination
- Investigation in Explosion and Arson related cases
- Photography: Types, application in criminal investigation & Forensic evidence examination
- Hair & Fibers: Nature, Types, Structure and Examination
- Pollens and Diatoms: Their application in Forensic investigation
- Dust & Soil: Nature, Types, Forensic Examination
- Paint, Lacquer & Varnishes: Nature, composition and forensic examination
- Glass: Composition, Types, Fractures, Examination
- Cement, Mortar and Concrete: General Composition, Forensic Analysis
- Computer Forensics: Introduction, Types of Computer crimes, Digital evidence- Seizure, Acquisition and Forensic examination
- Mobile Phone Forensics
- Fingerprints: History, Characteristics, Types, Classification, Preservation, Development, Lifting and Comparison, Examination of Chance Prints, Computerization of Fingerprints, AFIS
- Track Marks: Foot Prints, Shoe Prints, Tire Marks, Their Preservation & Casting, Comparison, Skid marks. Gait pattern
- Biometric Systems of Identification and its relevance
- Voice Analysis: Introduction, Significance, Structure of Human Voice apparatus, Voice spectrography, Voice analysis, Legal aspects and limitations
- Documents: Definition, Types, Preliminary examination of documents
- Reproduction of documents through photographic and mechanical means and their examination
- Examination of Alterations such as Erasures, Obliterations & Additions
- Indentations, Secret writings and Charred documents
- Inks, Papers and their scientific examinations with modern methods
- Age of documents
- Examination of Typescripts, Printed matter including currency notes and lottery tickets. Mechanical impressions
- Hand writings: Class and Individual characteristics of Handwritings, Factors affecting handwritings, Standard samples for comparison, Comparison of hand-written texts
- Anonymous and disguised writings
- Identification of hand writings, signatures, detection of forged signature and forgeries
- Examination of Credit Cards and Similar materials
- Modes & Manner of deaths, Sexual offences and its medicolegal importance, Amendments in law related to sexual offences
- Post – mortem examination and Post – mortem changes, Estimation of time since death
- Injuries & Wounds: Types, Medicolegal importance, Gunshot wounds
- Determination of Species of Origin, Sex , Age, Stature, and individual identification through skeletal remains
- Identification through Skull superimposition and facial reconstruction
- Human dentition, Type of teeth, determination of Age, Bite marks
- Forensic Entomology: Introduction, Insects of forensic importance, Insects on Carrion, Forensic applications